Appointment Preparation
Our first meeting is your first step in writing your own money story.
Whether you have a specific goal you want to discuss or have a list of questions you want answered before getting started, we’re here to determine the best plan for you to reach your goals.
Here’s some basic information we recommend you bring to our first meeting.
List of current assets
Approximate value of your home
Any other real estate, rental properties, etc.
Business interests
RRSPs, TFSAs, any other savings or investment details
Current income and expense statement (if possible)
Job description
Current title
Last year’s taxable income
Expected income this year
Any regular savings
Short, medium, long term goals
What are the top 3 things you want to address?
Current mortgage (lender, limit, interest, maturity date)
Any other mortgages or debt, credit cards (limits and current owed)
Approximate value of your home
Any other real estate, rental properties, etc.
Business interests
RRSPs, TFSAs, any other savings or investment details