A Pilgrimage for Retirees

At Tune Financial, retirement is an exciting new chapter for our clients. When properly planned, your golden years are filled with opportunities for exploration, self-discovery, and adventure.

Picture this: you and your spouse have worked hard to save for retirement. Now, you're ready to set off into the sunset and embark on an epic journey toward Route 66. This iconic highway, spanning from Chicago to Santa Monica, holds a special allure for those close to age 66. But why?

This blog post was inspired by a discussion Rob had with his client recently. *Howard and Christina, a recently retired couple, hit the road and travelled across Canada. After a week or two, they dipped down into the states with a single goal, hitting Route 66. They stayed in motels along the way and travelled in comfort and style in their spacious, modern pick-up truck. Their story got us thinking: What is it about Route 66 that draws a whole age group to this long and winding road?

We landed on a few theories.

  1. Perhaps this historic road represents a symbolic journey, reflecting the transitional phase of life. You've worked hard over the years and have socked away enough in your RRSPs and other investments to carve out a comfortable income. Now, you seek to reminisce, explore new horizons, and embrace the freedom of no longer being bound by work schedules. What better way to do just that than a pilgrimage along Route 66?

  2. Or perhaps you're only interested in looking forward. Travel has long been regarded as a transformative experience, and hitting the road along Route 66 is no exception. As you embark on this adventure, you embark on a journey of self-discovery, reassessing your priorities, and rediscovering your passions. The open road acts as a canvas on which you can reimagine your life and create new narratives. It allows you to embrace the present moment, savour the beauty of the landscapes, and engage with the diverse people and cultures you meet along the way.

  3. Maybe you're only goal is to take in the sites. Route 66 is dotted with iconic landmarks that offer a glimpse into America's rich cultural history. You can explore various captivating destinations, from the Gateway Arch in St. Louis to the Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo. You can visit the Grand Canyon, take in the stunning landscapes of the Southwest, and immerse yourself in the vibrant energy of cities like Albuquerque, Santa Fe, and Los Angeles.

Each landmark carries its own story, reflecting the dreams and aspirations of those who have travelled this legendary road before. Embarking on a Route 66 adventure is a way for retirees to celebrate their newfound freedom, explore the open road, and create lasting memories. The allure of this iconic highway for those nearing the age of 66 is undeniable. If you go, send us a postcard!

*Fake names to protect client privacy


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